

JAXA Academy Kids Online Summer Activities 2023
"Space Talk, Summer Homework, & APRSAF-29
Online Stargazing Event"



Watch the Space Talks for students. Summer Homework provided by JAXA and NAOJ. Join the APRSAF-29 Online Stargazing Event from home! Open to students from all over the world.

JAXA Academy

(再生時間: 1時間33分4秒)

APRSAF-29 Online Stargazing Event

(再生時間: 5分1秒)

Hawaiian Starlines and Wayfinding


This is a video of Hawaiian Starlines that we could not show in the 'APRSAF-29 Online Stargazing Event' video (38:29).


How to Join

1.Watch two Space Talks for students.
2.Try Summer Homework provided by JAXA and NAOJ (There are three types of assignments).
Deadline: August 31st (Japan Standard Time)
We are no longer accepting Summer Homework
3. Joining the APRSAF-29 Online Stargazing Event from Home! For students from all over the world.
Date: September 7th.

*You do not have to participate in all the activities.

Space Talks


Series one:
Around the Globe and Across Time:
Explore Celestial Motions with Hōkūleʻa "




Dr. Kelly Blumenthal
IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach



Series two:
The Universe Observed in Different Colors


山口 弘悦

Dr. Hiroya Yamaguchi
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA


Summer Homework for You

Series One: Let's see stars and observe how it moves!

Let's see stars and observe how it moves!  PDF Let's see stars and observe how it moves!  pptx

For students who cannot see the Summer Triangle from your area this season, you can observe the Orion constellation.

Let's Examine the Movement of Stars (Orion constellation)  PDF

*When you stargaze: Observe stars from a safe place where there is no danger from vehicles.
Do not stargaze alone and please be sure you're accompanied by adults.

Series Two: Make Your Own Constellation!

Series Three: The Universe Observed in Different Colors

How to hand in your homework (We are no longer accepting Summer Homework.)

Thank you for sending your assignments!

Send your homework to the JAXA Academy (jaxa_academy@jaxa.jp) by email.

Subject: Mark the subject line with "APRSAF-29 Summer Homework".
File size: The maximum file size is 2MB for each email.
Files you can send: pdf, ppt, etc.
Please include the following in your email. 1. Your name or nickname
2. Age
3. Male/Female/Other/Prefer not to state

We will select and present the best entries during the online stargazing event and on our YouTube channel.

APRSAF-29 Online Stargazing Event

Overview of the Event
Have you ever wondered what the stars look like from other countries in the world? Well now you can see what they look like from the comfort of your own home!
SE4AWG will be broadcasting live videos of stars and constellations taken by multiple observatory locations around the world.
The APRSAF-29 *1 Online Stargazing Event will be held for students everywhere.
Through this event, SE4AWG is directed at children to foster a sense of adventure and creativity, to enjoy the stars, the universe, and space education, to know how the stars and constellations appear in the sky depending on the latitude and time zone, and international exchange by looking at the starry sky at the same time.

Any student can participate by registering here on the website.

1.Date(UTC) 12 pm (Noon) - 1:30 pm *2 on Thursday, 7 September 2023​

12 pm (Noon) - 12:10 pm Introducing Students' Summer Homework​
12:10 pm - 1:30 pm    Online Stargazing Broadcast​

【Broadcasting places (6 areas) *3】​
-Chile, Hawaii, Japan (Tokyo and Ishigakijima Island):National Astronomical Observatory of Japan​
-Indonesia (Kupang or Bandung):National Research and Innovation Agency​
-Australia (Canberra):Australian National University
2.Platform Platform Online Zoom Webinar
3.Target Primarily 10 to 15 years old, but open to all.
4.Number of participants who can attend. Only the first 500 attendees will be able to join on Zoom Webinar.
5.Language English
6.Registration deadline(UTC) 12 pm (Noon), 7 September 202312 pm (Noon), 6 September 2023
We closed registration. Thank you for your registration.
7.Contact information jaxa_academy@jaxa.jp

*1 Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF)
*2 Please check the time in your time zone. For students who watch the event late at night, please watch with adults.
*3 If it rains, we will show recorded videos or/and slides explaining about stars and constellations.
